Monday, November 10, 2014

TV/Internet/Video Games Effects on Children


TV/Internet/Video Games Effects on Children

Over the years, the internet has become a scary thing to parents with young children. When I think about the effects that different technologies have on children, my main concern is how isolated they become from the outside, or “real world.” School performance starts to decline and children become depressed. If a parent is doing their job and monitoring the child’s internet use, what sites they go to or who they are talking to, then worries about predators shouldn’t be an issue.

            A very good family friend that I know had a son that was almost 17. He had never had a homecoming date, been to a high school party, went to a football game, or even had friends over. About 5 years ago, he committed suicide. His mother blamed herself for years thinking he was being bullied online and that it was her fault for not catching on to it. In my opinion, he secluded himself from the outside world and created his own world where he shut everything out and had his games to make him feel comfortable. He would lock himself in his room for hours to play these games and would lose track of time before he finally stopped playing. Ever since this has happened to someone close, I look at technology and the effects that TV, internet, and video games have on someone. This was a 17 year old so I can’t imagine the effects it can have on someone younger.

            Internet is an undermining of today’s society. If used in an appropriate way, it can help aid children in healthy development. An article written by EU Kid Online states that “It has not been established that children under nine years old have the capacity to engage with the internet in a safe and beneficial manner in all circumstances, especially when it comes to this age group socializing online, either within age appropriate virtual worlds or as underage participants in sites intended for teenagers and adults (Facebook, You Tube etc.).”

            When you start to think about the issue in today’s society with the internet, your mind tends to go wonder more and more about the time that is spend online and what it is really being used for. Most high school’s now require internet use for courses taken and books can mostly be accessed online. If you notice, most Elementary and Junior High Schools do not require this. The child is like a sponge and soaks up any and all knowledge that comes across them. The last thing an educator wants is that child to be on a website that is not safe. In most Junior High Schools, a computer course is required where they teach the children the “do’s and don’ts of technology use. According to the American Psychological Association, “time spent online is time not spent elsewhere.”

            Arguments have been made when it comes to social networking and underage children. Although the social networking sites, Facebook and Twitter, are meant for teenagers from 16 and up, there is nothing keeping them from creating a site of their own. The arguments made are that these particular sites help keep communication between distant friends and family, and keep you up to date with current events. In all honesty, children should not be using social networking sites for anything, especially those that are underage.

            In conclusion, the effects of TV, internet, and video games is an issue that we will continuously have to monitor and deal with. It is important for parents to make it known to children that the technology should be used for knowledgeable situations. Compromises will have to be made when it comes to time online and time spent outside or out with friends. It is also an issue that can be decreased with just a simple talk to get kids aware of the effects that it can have.


Jackson, L., Eye, A., & Biocca, F. (2014). Children and Internet Use: Social, Psychological and Academic Consequences for Low-income Children. 2-2. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from

Holloway, D., Green, L., & Livingstone, S. (2013, February 2). Zero to Eight: Young Children and Their Internet Use. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from

Norcia, A. (2014, January 1). The Impact of Video Games. Retrieved November 8, 2014, from


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Midterm Paper

Midterm Paper

Technology is a broad concept. It has been around for years making life easier every day. Technology ranges from assistive technology used for someone with a disability to transport technology used in cars and other forms of transportation. “The winners speak constantly of the Age of Information”, this quote meaning the more information we have, or are given, the more successful we will be. We will continue to pay for the better products because the bigger, the better. You pay more for the faster internet or the cable with more movie channels because you want more.

According to the Digital Divide Institute, “the digital divide is not simply about access to technology.” This quote going back to technological “losers” and “winners” beyond access. Technology can help people but it can also break people. You decide what you do with it, just make sure you are using it to your advantage and to its upmost potential.

I do believe that there are technological “losers” beyond basic access. The basic access, in my opinion, is the lack of access someone might have to the internet because of knowledge or finances. The true “losers” are those individuals who have the access and knowledge but don’t use it to their advantage. Technology has made an easier way of life for most and if it is there, use it. The winners of technology are people who use technology every day. For example, my sister sets reminders on her phone so he does not have to remember things on her own, depends on the calculator to solve her problems, and will text because she is shy and doesn’t have to talk face to face. As many would think that she probably over does it, she is using technology to its full purpose therefore she is winning. My dad on the other hand still writes things down but forgets where he put it or cannot find a pen at that exact moment. He is “losing” all of the advantages technology has to offer.

Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) is easily defined as communication used by means of computer technology. Opposite of face to face, computer mediated communication can be communication over a phone call, a picture shared, or even a quick text message. CMC takes away the personal feel that you can achieve with face to face communication. Humans communicate in different types of settings depends on not only the environment they are in, but it also includes the approach in which communication happens.

Flaming is a malicious interaction between two or more individuals using some sort of technology device; phones, iPads, laptops, etc. Most often the altercation involves the use of profanity. Flame wars attract many different users and usually starts with an original post and others start to comment. Take Facebook for example, I have seen many post here lately about gay marriage. Someone will post their opinion, whether they are for or against it, and others will start to comment with their own opinion even adding irrelevant information which can set someone over the edge. Some opinions are meant to be kept to yourself. Some people will try to diffuse the situation but once started, it is hard to contain. Hence the name, flame wars.

The printing press was an invention that helped change our society to a wider literate population. The impact of the printing press changed society in many ways. Individuals went from oral reading to silent reading. A major effect was that information was able to spread more quickly. Newspapers and books were being printed by the dozens and information was spreading like wildfire. One negative impact the printing press has was that it made it harder for the people of the church to monitor what was going into these books since this task was taken away from them. The printing press has not only one of the most important inventions created to this day, but it has helped mold the public’s opinion.

Thanks to modern technology, we generally live longer, healthier, cleaner, and physically easier lives than those individuals in the past. Yet we must acknowledge the problems caused by technology. A few include injuries or even deaths caused by transportation accidents, pollutions causing environment issues, medical technology and dilemmas, and confusion and frustration caused by unnecessarily complex consumer devices, to name but a few. Critics will continue to argue against technology because it is not perfect, nor will it ever be. It has made life easier, but some are just scared or not ready to make that change. You can be the smartest one at your company but if you are not willing to change when your company does, you could possibly find yourself unemployed.

The impact that e-books have had on today’s society is quite extraordinary. E-books are being used for not only personal use, but in schools as well. E-books, also known as electronic books, are just digital forms of books. While using e-books, you will find the more convenient it is to carry multiple books around while out running errands. Surprisingly, more books are being printed than the year before. E-books are coming to be a new trend in the world of information technologies. The amount of possibilities to teach and learn go beyond anything you can learn from a paper book. Although there is still lack in the advantages of e-books, there is more exploring that will be done.


Postman, Neil. "Five Things You Need to Know About Technological Change." (1998): n. pag. Web.

Steel, Melanie. "The Digital Dive: A Closer Look at Outcomes." (2013): 1-5. Print.





Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Winner vs. Losers of Technology

I was recently asked to write a paper on a topic covered in my class for COMM For those who would like to know more about this topic...please read below.

Winners and Losers of Technology

Technology has been around for longer than some may think. I cannot recall a time when technology wasn’t in use and it continues to be in use because of how easy life has become for those who use it. There are “winners” and “losers” of technology. When most hear these terms, they might get a confused look on their face. The true losers are those individuals who have the access and knowledge but do not use it to their advantage. Winners of technology are individuals who have the access to the computer or other forms of technology and use it to its full capabilities and who use technology every day. For example, my sister sets reminders on her phone so she does not have to remember things on her own, depends on the calculator to solve her problems, and will text because she is shy and doesn’t have to talk face to face. As many would think that she probably over does it, she is using technology to its full purpose therefore she is winning. My dad on the other hand still writes things down but forgets where he put it or can’t find a pen at that exact moment. He is “losing” all of the advantages technology has to offer. Technology has made an easier way of life for most and if it is there, use it.

Another example of a “loser” in technology would be an individual who uses basic technology in the work place because it is required. Once the individual is away from work, technology is not used. Technology can make everyday life a little easier for everyone but you have to take the time to learn. By not learning, you are losing and making things harder on yourself.

There are many benefits that come with the use of technology. Schools have started to switch to online books and online courses. This helps school districts to save money on textbooks. College students are able to use the “e-books” to benefit by saving money each semester and are able to make notes just as easy, if not easier, on the computer-based textbooks and have the ability to erase anything highlighted. It has been argued before that too much exposure to technology can prevent unwanted behaviors in school-aged children. According to a survey completed in the Spring of 2000 “when children between the ages of 2 and 17 have access to computers and video games as well as television, they spend, on average, about 5 hours a day in front of some type of screen, over an hour more than children without such access.This would be an example of a “loser” of technology. Evidence has also been shown to link obesity with excessive television and video games during one sitting. Another benefit of using technology is speed and time saved. Just think of how long it would take to write a midterm paper versus if it was typed. It saves time and doubles your speed.

            Educators who use technology based learning have a better outcome of the students learning the material than the educators who use technology less frequently. A survey was conducted and targeted educators in grades K-12 which consisted of 783 teachers and 274 administrators. The survey was aimed to see how many educators use technology in the classroom. The findings showed a great difference in the number of teachers who used technology in their classroom and those who did not. According to the survey, “new and experienced teachers were about as likely to be "frequent" users of technology in the classroom as they were to be "moderate," "sporadic," or "infrequent" users” (Nagel, 2010).

            Technology is and always will be our future because it continues to grow. New and improved devices are created every day to make things simple. Applications are constantly having upgrades that need to be downloaded whether there is a bug to fix or something has been added. According to the Digital Divide Institute, “the digital divide is not simply about access to technology.” The digital divide goes beyond basic access meaning the lack of access someone might have to the internet because of knowledge or finances. Technology can help people but it can also break people. You decide what you do with it, just make sure you are using it to your advantage and to its upmost potential.


Nagel, D. (2010, June 28). Teachers Report Educational Benefits of Frequent Technology Use -- THE Journal. Retrieved September 10, 2014. 
Shields, M., & Behrman, R. (2000). Children and Computer Technology: Analysis and Recommendations. The Future of Children, 10(2), 4-4.
Bryant, B. (n.d.). Benefits of Technology in Business. Retrieved September 10, 2014, from
Digital Divide Institute (2010).  Digital divide defined (hint: it’s not about access).  Retrieved from
Megan Claire

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Good Reads.

Have you ever found that perfect book that was so hard to put down? That book that caused you to do absolutely nothing for 2 days? I have…and it was dangerous.

I have had a list of books that I have wanted to read for awhile now but after reading A Beautiful Disaster, I have to put that on the back burner until Summer. 

This book is Dangerous. Addicting. and Intense. I pulled a little summary off of the internet incase you haven't heard of the book and want to give it a try.

Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and  she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University’s Walking One-Night Stand.

Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby wants—and needs—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.

Via Pinterest

You can find this book on iBooks for $3.99, Kindle for $3.99, or Nook for $3.99 as well. Get to reading my friends.

There is a second book called A Walking Disaster that is through the eyes of Travis Maddox. It explains a lot of why he is the way he is and his emotions. More on that next time.

Until next time,
Megan Claire

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Where do I start?

Goodness. Where do I even start? I've been out of blogging for quite sometime but feel the need to get back into it. Seriously! Where do I start?

A friend of mine got married in August and it was so nice to have all of the girls together to celebrate.

I started a new job which I absolutely love! I work for an elementary school as a counselor's clerk. I've been able to help with the PALs program, assist in the food drive and toy drives, and many other things. It's a rewarding job and I honestly feel like I am making a difference.

Chris had surgery in August so I was able to hang out with the girls more often and mannnn have I had such a blast.

As I said before, Chris had surgery in August. We haven't been able to do much except go eat with friends a time or 2. I miss being able to drive like we used that this time of year or go to dinner. He is healing very well and we are hoping that within the next month he will be healed.

I started at UH this summer and have really enjoyed it. Not a fan of the drive (even though its only 20 minutes) or the surrounding area but other than that its GREAT! I've been to football games, gotten involved in Best Buddies, and have even made it a point to drink a beer before class with my friend from Michigan. Thanks Sam! I'm finally getting to feel how it is to be a college student.

The Houston Texans are 11-1. What more can you say about that?!?! Pretty awesome huh? This has been such a fun football season because I am in a fantasy league. Can you say addicting? Not going to lie but I am pretty amazing. I've beat Chris both times we have played. Love you babe! I'm currently in 3rd. Feels pretty good...

Christmas is coming up and that also means my birthday! I'll be that even exciting? I now feel like I am just getting old. Yay (insert frown). It just doesn't feel like Christmas to me. Even though everywhere I go Christmas music is playing, trees are up, and the Salvation Army people are out it still hasn't hit me. Hopefully once we get out tree up it will.

A friend of mine delivered a baby Friday and Chris's cousin had her baby today. This has definitely been a year of babies. Speaking of babies I absolutely adore this little chunk...don't look at me. Look at him.

In a nutshell, that's really all that has been going on. I know there is probably more but knowing my memory, I'll never remember.

Megan Claire

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today I had the privelege to deliver beautiful flowers to the ladies here in the office. I just love to see the faces on everyone when they look up and see a bouquets of colorful joy.

Although I don't like that Valentine's Day is the one day of the year when the man really has to try,  I found someone who shows me love year round. 
Chris got me the best gift I have ever received!! A dozen roses, a soft as a baby's but teddy bear, and a 3lb. bag of SWEETTARTS!!!
I couldn't have asked for a better gift..or Valentine.
I love you Christopher Jordan.

My amazing dad visited me at work today and brought me flowers and a card as well. He is the best dad and I always enjoy seeing him during the day. He is so sweet.

And those of you who are trying to figure out what I did for him...

I made a coupon book out of paint swatches and templates that I found online. The middle picture above is a deck of 52 cards with a label on each one telling a reason I love him. There are 52. There were more, I just didn't have enough cards. I came up with so many more than 52 and I try everyday to remind him just how much I love him.
My dear friend, Kristen, had a great idea to make the boys a homeade lunch since they all work together. The balloons were her idea and I hope the boys enjoyed it.

I hope everyone had an amazing day : )

Megan Claire

Monday, February 13, 2012

Grammy Recap

This year's Grammy's were worth watching. Even though I didn't stay up for all of it, I still enjoyed what was seen.
I had my favorites and I had my not-so-favorites.

I absolutely hated the Beach Boys' performance. I mean come on, everyone knows they are lip's about time to be done. Are they expecting this to be their comeback? OK maybe that was a little harsh..but oh so true.

The reason I watched it this year was to hear Adele. She is absolutely amazing and proves that you don't    have to be a size 0 to look beautiful.

She snagged up all 6 awards that she was nominated for and definitely deserved all 6! She is so powerful and you can really hear it in her music.

I loved Jason Aldean & Kelly Clarkson's perfomance, other than Jason's microphone going out in the end. I haven't ever really been a fan of Kelly Clarkson until now. She sounded great live! I understand that she came from American Idol but that was sooo long ago, she kind of faded off for awhile.

I also love love loved Katy Perry's performance, hair, and dress. I love how her performance made EVERYONE think the lights went out and then she appeared in a completely different outfit and in a different spot. I know the first girl wasn't her, but that was awesome!

We made a drinking game out of the Grammy's. Anytime we heard the words God or Whitney Houston...DRINK!
I only had one glass of wine and felt fine this morning, but I don't think I have laughed that hard in SOOO long.

Megan Claire