Sunday, December 2, 2012

Where do I start?

Goodness. Where do I even start? I've been out of blogging for quite sometime but feel the need to get back into it. Seriously! Where do I start?

A friend of mine got married in August and it was so nice to have all of the girls together to celebrate.

I started a new job which I absolutely love! I work for an elementary school as a counselor's clerk. I've been able to help with the PALs program, assist in the food drive and toy drives, and many other things. It's a rewarding job and I honestly feel like I am making a difference.

Chris had surgery in August so I was able to hang out with the girls more often and mannnn have I had such a blast.

As I said before, Chris had surgery in August. We haven't been able to do much except go eat with friends a time or 2. I miss being able to drive like we used that this time of year or go to dinner. He is healing very well and we are hoping that within the next month he will be healed.

I started at UH this summer and have really enjoyed it. Not a fan of the drive (even though its only 20 minutes) or the surrounding area but other than that its GREAT! I've been to football games, gotten involved in Best Buddies, and have even made it a point to drink a beer before class with my friend from Michigan. Thanks Sam! I'm finally getting to feel how it is to be a college student.

The Houston Texans are 11-1. What more can you say about that?!?! Pretty awesome huh? This has been such a fun football season because I am in a fantasy league. Can you say addicting? Not going to lie but I am pretty amazing. I've beat Chris both times we have played. Love you babe! I'm currently in 3rd. Feels pretty good...

Christmas is coming up and that also means my birthday! I'll be that even exciting? I now feel like I am just getting old. Yay (insert frown). It just doesn't feel like Christmas to me. Even though everywhere I go Christmas music is playing, trees are up, and the Salvation Army people are out it still hasn't hit me. Hopefully once we get out tree up it will.

A friend of mine delivered a baby Friday and Chris's cousin had her baby today. This has definitely been a year of babies. Speaking of babies I absolutely adore this little chunk...don't look at me. Look at him.

In a nutshell, that's really all that has been going on. I know there is probably more but knowing my memory, I'll never remember.

Megan Claire

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